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2002年10月12日() [n年日記]

#1 [URL] 東陽テクニカ・表面分析システム

もうちょっと分解能のいい AFM が欲しいので、 カタログだけ請求してみる。 「圧倒的なコストパフォーマンス」っていくらだろ。

#2 [URL] 学研、『電子ブロックのひみつ』を出版

#3 [linux] fml の config.ph の $REJECT_ADDR

某所の fml ML で root@ほげ が蹴られていたのに悩んでいたところ、 小野澤さん に教えていただく。
# ### Section: Security ###
# We reject $REJECT_ADDR@ARBITRARY.DOM.AIN since these are clearly NOT
# individuals. It also may be effective to avoid mail loop since
# some error or automatic reply comes from not individual addresses.
# This restriction is stronger than $PERMIT_*_FROM variable.
# For example, if $PERMIT_POST_FROM is "anyone", fml does not permit
# post from root@some.domain. If you permit it, please define $REJECT_ADDR.
# XXX This variable name is ambiguous. It should be $REJECT_ACCOUNT?
# value: regexp string
$REJECT_ADDR                   = "root|postmaster|MAILER-DAEMON|msgs|nobody|news|majordomo|listserv|listproc|\S+\-help|\S+\-subscribe|\S+\-unsubscribe";
とりあえず root を消して解決。

#4 [paper] 今日拾った論文

arxiv cond-mat から self-affine roughness 関連 2 本。

A numerical study of the development of bulk scale-free structures upon growth of self-affine aggregates:

During the last decade, self-affine geometrical properties of many growing aggregates, originated in a wide variety of processes, have been well characterized. However, little progress has been achieved in the search of a unified description of the underlying dynamics. Extensive numerical evidence has been given showing that the bulk of aggregates formed upon ballistic aggregation and random deposition with surface relaxation processes can be broken down into a set of infinite scale invariant structures called "trees". These two types of aggregates have been selected because it has been established that they belong to different universality classes: those of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang and Edward-Wilkinson, respectively. Exponents describing the spatial and temporal scale invariance of the trees can be related to the classical exponents describing the self-affine nature of the growing interface. Furthermore, those exponents allows us to distinguish either the compact or non-compact nature of the growing trees. Therefore, the measurement of the statistic of the process of growing trees may become a useful experimental technique for the evaluation of the self-affine properties of some aggregates.

Vertical Discontinuities in Self-Affine Surfaces Lead to Multi-affinity:

Many systems of both theoretical and applied interest display multi-affine scaling at small length scales. We demonstrate analytically and numerically that when vertical discontinuities are introduced into a self-affine surface, the surface becomes multi-affine. The discontinuities may correspond to surface overhangs or to an underlying stepped surface. Two surfaces are numerically examined with different spatial distributions of vertical discontinuities. The multi-affinity is shown to arise simply from the surface of vertical discontinuities, and the analytic scaling form at small length scales for the surface of discontinuities is derived and compared to numerical results.

#5 [dept] レポート採点

終った。毎週かくありたい。 できてる人は誤差の計算がキッチリできていて、とても頼もしい。

#6 [labo] vrel 論文

さてこの 3 連休で懸案のこいつを書き上げられるかな? なんで重み無しモデルが Maxwellian を再現するかの clear な説明をまだ思いついていないのがナニなのだが...

#7 [labo] 3 年生

宜しくお願いします。 というか昨日は各方面にご迷惑をかけて大変申し訳ありませんでした。

ちなみに日記の「コメントする」が機能してないみたいだけど、なんでかしら。 さらにちなみに「試行錯誤」ではあるまいか。

#8 [JM] リリース

LDP man-pages: madvise.2, setlocale.3
SysVinit: mesg.1, wall.1, halt.8, init.8, shutdown.8, sulogin.8
e2fsprogs: chattr.1, libuuid.3, badblocks.8, debugfs.8, e2fsck.8, findfs.8, fsck.8, mke2fs.8, tune2fs.8
nfs-utils: exports.5, nfsstat.8, rquotad.8, showmount.8, statd.8
shadow: 全部 (41 ページ)
ypserv: ypserv.conf.5


#9 J リーグ


#10 [CD] 『スラヴォニック』諏訪内晶子+ボリス・ベレゾフスキー

コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

以上、1 日分です。
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